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With Linda Evans Shepherd

Be a Writer; Be an Author



Join your personal writing coach and best-selling author, Linda Evans Shepherd, for a get-away WRITING weekend in the mountains in Colorado.



July 28 - 30, 2006



You will join Linda and up to five other writers in her cabin in the mountains to develop your next NONFICTION BOOK.
Register online now...

Linda will help you find your topic, explore titles, develop a chapter outline, and develop a personal marketing plan complete with ideas on how to publish your project. 

Room and board as well as meals will be provided, including a group visit to a local restaurant!

Feb 2003You will be in Linda's small getaway home, which is not a resort, but has plenty of bunk beds and two bathrooms. If you want to stay in a nearby hotel, so you can have a private room, arrangements can be made, but you will be responsible for additional costs for your room.

Bring your Bible! We will spend a lot of time seeking the Lord as well as writing, and personal coaching. Bring jeans, pen, tennies, paper, p.j.'s, toiletries, and T-shirts!

This Time May Change Your Life!

Linda will also help you map out your message in book form, storyboarding your book project with the class.  

Once you, Linda, and the group analyze the best way to present the message God has laid upon your heart, you will get to work with writing  assignments.

Next, Linda  will show you how to polish your writing so that editors will view you as a pro.

Finally, she will show you how to put your book into proposal form and suggest which publishing houses might want it.

Linda will also be available to answer your personal writing questions and to pray with you.  In fact, students have reported life-changing prayer events at this retreat.  

This Write Away Weekend could be your ministry breakthrough!



Signup for Linda's Right to the Heart of Women E-zine mailing list so you can stay posted for more information on other upcoming Write Away Weekends.


About Linda:

Not only is Linda a Writing Coach, she is an international speaker and the author of 20 books, inlcuding a novel, The Pot Luck Club, and Tangled Heart. She is an international speaker and is often a guest on radio and television programs. She is the founder of AWSA, (Advanced Writers and Speakers Association) made up of the top women who publish in the Christian market. She is the host of nationally syndicated radio program, Right To The Heart. She is the co-founder of Jubilant Press.




The following comments were made by past Write Away Weekend Graduates:

Dear Linda,

The weekend is over, and what a weekend it was. I want to take a few minutes to tell you how I benefited from this weekend. For years I've heard speakers and writers say, "develop a brand". Intellectually I knew what they meant and understood their applications, but had trouble applying it to my stuff. That is, until now. The quality time you spent with me developing my message opened my eyes. Finally, "I get it!" Thank you!

I have been to several writing workshops, but never have I experienced such personal and intense interaction between the attendees. When there is heart-to heart sharing, people are seldom honest enough to admit their real struggles. If they do, I and others are at the ready to offer our quick and easy 3-step solutions. Not this time. Even I was a blubbering fool, and I don't cry easily. The first exercise caused the walls to crumble and allowed the Holy Spirit to feel work among us. In spite of our diversity, He was able to unite us and be present among us as we prayed. Thank you for inviting Him to join us. It felt so freeing to release all of me and not worry about offending someone. The New Agers have no idea what their missing, do they?

Linda, I confess I inherited the "Martha" gene, that would be Stewart, not Mary's sister. I'm always picking up, rearranging, cleaning, etc. because in my mind everything has to look perfect. You, on the other hand, were sooo relaxed. Your attitude helped me to relax and feel and comfortable. I

Thanks for everything, and may God bless the work of your hands.
Mary Ann


- "Linda Shepherd's guidance and thoughtful insight brought clarity to my writing vision. Her practical advice regarding the publishing market gave me the confidence I lacked to pursue publication of my book." Cathy Bell; Lane, PA

- "You are a true giver of knowledge and application of writing and publishing. Your generous spirit was evident from the moment I arrived. Thank you for your expertise and wise words of encouragement." Lynn Shaw, MSW Professional Speaker and Author

- "An intimate time of laughter and tears and much education. It was an intense three days packed with everything for all levels of writers." Nancy Pamerleau, MI

* You certainly delivered what you promised and more. I also will gladly and eagerly recommend the workshop to others. I was not disappointed.

* Thanks for the continued encouragement. I had a great time over the weekend and really feel blessed to work with you and the other ladies. I am excited about my project and have continued working on the outline. I am looking forward to sharing with you and the others
as the project moves forward.

* If you do a marketing piece, you can quote me as saying that if someone seriously wants to make tangible progress toward writing a book, then Linda's weekend is the best vehicle to do so.

* Again, Linda, thank you for even being willing and open to sharing your wealth of information, as well as your home and your life. You really are an amazing woman. Knowing you, even briefly, has radically changed my life. Really.

* From a practical standpoint, it was learning the process of how to develop a book. Even though I have written thousands of newspaper and magazine articles, the whole process of creating a book has remained a mystery to me. Learning your techniques was of tremendous value to me.

To view the cost of the weekend, go to our online registration form. If you have any questions, contact her via the Net.

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